Ethan and Mommy are spending the day together! This is Ethan's last summer weekend before school starts. We are going to have breakfast with Ashley and then go shopping for school clothes/supplies. Ethan also wants to go shop at Toys R Us with all the gift cards he received for his birthday. Let me be the first to tell you that this is a MAJOR ordeal. Ethan doesn't like to spend his gift cards on any one thing...he wants to get the most out of his money...$160 worth of inexpensive "stuff" rather than buying something "big" and somewhat expensive that he otherwise wouldn't get until Christmas. He needs a personal accountant along on this trip! He will stretch that money as far as it will go. He constantly asks what the balance is after each item is placed in the shopping cart. Then, he will start changing his mind about the items in the cart when the money starts getting low. This means I have to start recalculating the cart time after time after time until he decides on the perfect balance between quality and quanity. *sigh* I was wanting this to be a father/son adventure but it doesn't look like I will get my way this time:(
This evening, we are heading to Charleston. We get to spend time with Aunt Shell & Charles while there~ Hopefully, we can squeeze in some time with the Schmolkes as well! I'll post some pictures from our trip after we return. Hmmm, Charleston has a Toys R Us. Maybe I can convince Ethan to go shopping there. I wouldn't want daddy to miss out on all the "fun". Ha!
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