Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sliding Rock

While in the mountains, we decided to take the kids to Sliding Rock (the mommies really wanted to slide). I wasn't too sure about taking Ashlan down the rock. We watched others go down and I felt like it wasn't as dangerous as some had made it out to be. I let Ashlan decide for herself and she was ready to SLIDE!!! I asked her numerous times on the way up if she really wanted to slide and she assured me that she was ready. We made it to the top and we were on our way. It was my intention to hold her up over my head when we reached the bottom of the rock. However, it took all my strength to sit up straight while sliding with her in my lap when I reached the bottom...I took her under the water with me. Thankfully, Kim had given her a mac daddy life jacket so she popped right out of the water! Her eyes were as big as saucers when I looked at her. I asked her if she wanted to go again...."NO".

ashlan and caden getting ready to slide

ashlan watching the others

wanting to slide!

popping out of the water

the water was COLD.